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Prayer Times

Prayer Times For Cities the WorldOver. Shows prayer times for your location

Version: 3

Program available in: English

Program license: Free

Program by: Türkiye Takvimi


Prayer Times allows users to set designated worship periods each day.

The app is intended for religious peoples looking for a method to seamlessly integrate their faith into their busy day-to-day routine. Prayer Times seeks to accomplish this goal in the same way many workout applications do: By creating small, habit-forming reminders for users. By using this baby-steps methodology, Prayer Times helps users create an easy daily routine for practicing their faith. In doing so, Prayer Times helps alleviate the stress that often comes with being a devotee of any given faith. By making prayer an intuitive and stress-free process, Prayer Times secures itself as a must for many religious smart device owners.

But how well does Prayer Times perform? Admirably in most cases. While the app can struggle on older devices, a fact that is undoubtedly caused by poor optimization, on more modern devices the experience is adequately smooth. Additionally, while the app's aesthetics are a bit dated, the actual user interface is surprisingly intuitive. Setting up prayer times and schedules is easy to do, and the apps more intricate features are similarly easy to grasp. It may also be important to note that the app runs a good deal better on Android devices.


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Permissions required by Prayer Times

  • ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: Allows an app to access approximate location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.
  • ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.
  • ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Allows applications to access information about networks.
  • ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • INTERNET: Allows applications to open network sockets.